Hello Redis¶
Redis need launch server end to open the redis server then manipulate it by the connection from redis client. Default port is 6379.
Redis 需要启动服务端开启 Redis 服务,然后通过客户端连接进行操作。默认端口为 「6379」。
launch server end 启动服务端:
launch server with config 指定配置文件启动服务端:
launch client end 启动客户端:
It doesn't need to write host and port when the server and client be deployed on the same host.如果都在本机,则不需要填写主机和端口,默认就是 localhost:6379
launch client end with raw data:
Redis is a KEY-VALUE cache middleware.
The KEY can be any binary data. Reids is binary secure. That is to say, you can use a string as a key, or use a JSON object, or even a picture as a key.
It has 5 basic types of VALUE: String, List, Set, Sorted Set(ZSet) and Hash.
Database: The basic unit used to store data. Every database has a unique ID which start from 0 to 15, because the maximum number of database in default configuration file is 16. DB 0 is used by default.
Databases are isolated from each other. Where you execute command set name Boii
in DB 0, you can't get it from other databases.
change database command: select <dbID>
clear all data from database: FLUSHDB
, it will clear all data from current database.
clear all data from all database: FLUSHALL
, it will clear all data from all database.
Manipulation with key¶
- Syntax:
SET key value
- Description: create a pair of key-value.
- Return: OK if setting is successful.
- Example:
SET age 18
, tips: the default type of value is String.
- Syntax:
- Syntax:
GET key
- Description: get the value of the given key.
- Return: value of the given key if success, otherwise nil.
- Example:
GET age
- Syntax:
- Syntax:
DEL key [key ...]
- Description: delete the pair of key-value from given keys. Ignore if key is not exists.
- Return: the number of keys deleted.
- Example:
DEL name age bir
- Syntax:
- Syntax:
EXISTS key [key ...]
- Description: check whether the given keys is exists.
- Return: 1 if the key or one of the given keys is exists, otherwise 0.
- Example:
- Syntax:
- Syntax:
EXPIRE key seconds
- Description: set the expire(unit: second) for the given key, the key will be delete when expired.
- Return: 1 if setting is successful.
- Example:
EXPIRE age 5
means that the keyage
expiration time is set to 5 seconds later.
- Syntax:
- Syntax:
PEXPIRE key microsecond
- Description: same with the command EXPIRE but unit is microsecond.
- Return: 1 if setting is successful.
- Example:
EXPIRE age 10000
means that the keyage
expiration time is set to 10000 microseconds (equal 10 second) later.
- Syntax:
- Syntax:
TTL key
- Description: count the remainder second of the given key's expiration.
- Return: the remainder second of given key's expiration. -1 if the key is permanent, -2 if the key is not exists.
- Example:
TTL name
- Syntax:
- Syntax:
PTTL key
- Description: same with the command TTL but unit is microsecond.
- Return: the remainder microsecond of given key's expiration. -1 if the key is permanent, -2 if the key is not exists.
- Example:
PTTL age
- Syntax:
- Syntax:
KEYS pattern
- Description: list all keys that matched the pattern.
- Return: list of keys that matched the given pattern.
- Example:
: return all keysKEYS h?llo
: '?' match one character, this will return hello, hallo, hullo etc.KEYS h*llo
: '*' match 0 or any number of character, this will return hllo, hello, hallo, heeello etc.KEYS h[ae]llo
: '[]' restrict a range, this will return hello, hallo.
- Syntax:
- Syntax:
MOVE key dbID
- Description: move the given key into indicated database.
- Return: 1 if move successful.
- Example:
MOVE hello 2
means move the pair of key-value that key is hello into database 2.
- Syntax:
- Syntax:
- Description: return a key from current database randomly without delete.
- Return: a key, nil if database if empty.
- Example:
- Syntax:
- Syntax:
RENAME key newKey
- Description: rename the given key to newKey.
- Return: a error will be returned when the key is same the newKey or key is not exists, otherwise OK.
- Example:
RENAME hillo hello
- Syntax:
- Syntax:
TYPE key
- Description: return the type of the given key.
- Return:
- none (key is not exists)
- string
- list
- hash
- set
- zset
- Syntax:
Manipulation with Redis¶